With people from a variety of countries, taking away language only emphasizes and increases cultural differences.

The Telekinesis game - free download

Telekinesis is a team-building game I designed. It's a lot of fun, but you can also use it to learn about how the team functions and improve on it. Here are some specifics.

  • Group size: eight players. With some adjustments, you can shrink it down to six players. In case of more players, participants need to alternate as observers. Or you can make more groups. I usually play this with twelve groups of eight players each.
  • Duration: 30-45 minutes. Count on five minutes introduction, three rounds of six to ten minutes each, and five minutes evaluation.
  • Necessary equipment: pens, pencils, markers, paper plates and some prints. A detailed list of what exactly you need is in the instruction file of the download.
  • Copyright: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In short, this means you are free to use it for non-commercial purposes. So feel free to freely enjoy my work, but don't make money off of it. Sounds reasonable, doesn't it? Also, if you expand on this game and make it available for others, use the same (or a similar) license.

And now for the download links:

English version
Dutch version

Download the file, unzip it and open the instructions file. This should guide you through it. It's been written for large groups of players, since this is the most difficult case. If you're using it for smaller groups, you can of course use slightly different instructions and more personalized feedback.

After you've played the game, do drop me a note and share your experiences. I always like hearing about where my work ends up.